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Calls for toll subsidies to cut local truck traffic

Maribyrnong council is calling for subsidies to encourage freight trucks off inner-west residential streets and on to existing and future toll roads. The council will...

Tuck in at new food truck festival

Presidents Park will be inundated with a flotilla of foodie offerings later this month for the first- ever Wyndham Food Truck Festival. Event organiser Tejas...

Wyndham Harbour Marina taking shape

The first stage of the $440 million Wyndham Harbour Marina will open to the public this summer. Construction of the marina is in full swing,...

Towing changes could strand Wyndham drivers

Wyndham residents and others on the metropolitan fringes could find it difficult to get a tow truck if they find themselves stranded on a...

Women fight in middle of Werribee street | VIDEO Two women were filmed fighting outside Racecourse Hotel in Werribee last Wednesday. The dashcam video shows the two women getting physical in the middle of...

Djerriwarrh Health Services board sacked

The entire board was last week formally sacked at the Bacchus Marsh hospital where seven baby deaths in two years are being investigated. The eight...

P-plater 80km/h over limit with child in car

A 22-year-old Werribee man has had his car impounded after being detected driving at 192km/h in a 110km/h zone with three-year-old child in the...

High school students get a taste of uni life

A Victoria University program is giving year 12 students across the west their first taste of university life. Students from 10 high schools have taken...

24-hour cycle raises nearly $12,000

A 24-hour cycling event has raised nearly $12,000 for Cancer Council Victoria. Eight teams jumped on spin bikes at In Balance Fitness in Werribee at...

Work to begin Wyndham Vale roads connection

Work on an $87 million alternative route for Wyndham Vale residents travelling to and from the Princes Highway is tipped to begin in the next...

Welcome mat at Hoppers Crossing mosque

A Wyndham mosque will open its doors this weekend to help the wider community better understand Islam and its traditions. Virgin Mary Mosque in Hoppers...

Support for Indian victims of family violence

Frustrated by increasing reports of family violence in Victoria’s Indian community, Tarneit’s Jasvinder Sidhu decided enough was enough. In 2012 he formed Jagriti, a network...

Food van makes Werribee home

A food van with a long history in the northern suburbs now calls Werribee home. Tony’s Highway Takeaway set up shop along Railway Avenue more...

Manor Lakes closer to gaining suburb status

Manor Lakes is one step closer to officially becoming a suburb after Wyndham council approved proposed boundaries. On Monday night, councillors endorsed the proposed new...

First ‘high-rise’ takes off at Williams Landing

As the population of Melbourne’s western suburbs continues to soar, Williams Landing is to get its first high-rise apartment block. Work has started on Newton...


Non-voters have chance to avoid fines

The Victorian Electoral Commission (VEC) is urging Victorians not to ignore a request for an explanation as to why they appear to have not...