Mini tornado hits Wyndham Vale street
A mini tornado that tore through Wyndham Vale this morning has left Eppalock Drive looking like a war zone.
Wyndham SES’ unit commander Laurie Russell...
Whitelion-hearts aim to give shelter
Campaigners trying to combat youth homelessness in Wyndham have set themselves a goal to raise $100,000 by the end of the year.
Whitelion Australia, in...
Local CFA seeks help for Good Friday appeal
Local fireys are getting ready to rattle their collection tins for the Royal Children’s Hospital Good Friday Appeal, but they need help.
Werribee Fire Brigade...
Council rates defaults on the rise
The number of Wyndham residents struggling to pay their rates is on the rise, council figures reveal.
Outstanding rates, as of December 31 last year,...
Jordanne’s grand spell continues
Jordanne Tan knows the importance of good spelling.
The grade 4 Good News Lutheran College pupil has qualified for the Spellmasters junior grand final later this...
Dog thwarts Wyndham Vale home invasion
A Wyndham Vale woman’s recently adopted dog has been hailed a hero after coming to her rescue last Friday to prevent a home invasion.
Displaying a keen eye for nature
A Wyndham Vale photographer’s love of Australia’s landscapes, its special plants and creatures, has been put on exhibition at Werribee.
Emmy Silvius has captured views...
Gonski cuts ‘threaten Wyndham kids in need’
Millions of dollars will be ripped out of Wyndham schools if the federal government does not commit to funding the final two years of...
Women urged to run for council
Wyndham’s mayor is backing a statewide push for more women to join local government.
Only four of Wyndham’s 11 councillors are female, yet women make...
A female voice for ‘demonised’ men
Family violence is not a gender issue but a societal one, and the “demonisation” of men needs to stop, a Wyndham councillor says.
Michele Wharrie,...
Celebrating Wyndham’s cultural diversity
Wyndham celebrates its cultural diversity this weekend.
People from all around the world will converge on Werribee Park on Sunday for the community’s annual Multicultural...
Farmer backlash on ‘salty’ water
Werribee South farmers are fed up with a lack of action by the state government and Southern Rural Water to secure their water supplies.
Councillor plans his own ‘In-Taj Mahal’
Tarneit is getting its very own Taj Mahal – of sorts....
Free registration the cat’s miaow
Wyndham’s new pet owners will score a free annual tag for their pooches and moggies in a push to boost registrations across the city.
Point Cook to get it’s own Central Park
Point Cook is on its ways to getting its very own Central Park with work starting on a $2.3 million park spanning two hectares...