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Sister act is ready for school

Five-year-old Eva and her big sister Milena will mark a special occasion next week. Eva will start prep at Point Cook P-9 College and Milena...

Wyndham submits works wishlist

Two new Regional Rail Link stations, 13 new schools and support services for the Wyndham Justice Precinct have topped Wyndham council’s state and federal...

Wyndham schools cash splash

More than $1.65 million in state government grants will be used to upgrade sport and performing arts facilities at two Wyndham schools. Werribee MP Tim...

Land earmarked for new school

A developer will provide 3.5 hectares of land for a Truganina school, instead of paying a GAIC charge. Planning minister Richard Wynne has announced that...

Food festival is in flavour

Thomas Chirnside Primary School pupils, staff and families cooked up a multicultural storm recently. The Werribee school hosted a food fair to celebrate cuisine from...

Catholic schools set for major upgrades

  Three Wyndham Catholic schools were all smiles last week after receiving a combined $5.15 million injection for new and upgraded classrooms. MacKillop College, St Andrew’s...

Students are green thumbs

Forget the three “Rs”, students at Tarneit Senior College have been focusing on the three “Ps” in their classroom. VCAL intermediate students from the school...

Schools shortfall now ‘desperate’

Wyndham is in “desperate need” of new schools and kindergartens to cope with a booming population, according to Wyndham council. Learning city portfolio holder Cr...

Inspirational teacher honoured

Hoppers Crossing Secondary College teacher Bridgette Afuie has received a lovely surprise during a school assembly. Ms Afuie, who teaches dance at the school, was...

Nicole a class above

A Point Cook teacher has been named among the state’s best. Nicole Marie from Point Cook Senior College has taken out the outstanding secondary teacher...

Going for green and gold in Wyndham

Two Wyndham schools have been recognised for their environmental credentials. Werribee Primary School and Warringa Park School in Hoppers Crossing each took out gongs at...

Major upgrade for Tarneit schools

The state government has announced the construction of an $11.6 million upgrade at Tarneit Senior College, which will include an auditorium and theatrette. On Tuesday,...

New girls’ campus for Islamic school

A new girls’ school will open in Caroline Springs in 2018. ...

Final encore for students

Final year art students at Lakeview Senior College are putting their best foot forward with an exhibition at the Caroline Springs Gallery. The exhibition, which...

Cash for school, Scouts

  There were smiles all round at Carranballac P-9 College and the 1st Point Cook Scout Group last week after the state government announced it...


Helping victim-survivors heal from sexual assault

WestCASA is a community based not-for-profit sexual assault counselling service operating in the western suburbs. Jaidyn Kennedy discovered the ways the organisation is helping...