Wyndham advocates for more federal funding

Wyndham council chief executive Kelly Grigsby. Picture: supplied

A federal infrastructure fund for growth areas and ongoing kindergarten funding were up for discussion when Wyndham council met federal government advisers recently.

Wyndham chief executive Kelly Grigsby, mayor Henry Barlow and other council staff attended the annual Australian Local Government Association national general assembly in Canberra last month to advocate Wyndham projects.

Ms Grigsby and Cr Barlow sat down with the senior advisers for Education Minister Simon Birmingham and Assistant Cities and Digital Transformation minister Angus Taylor and opposition spokesmen Stephen Jones and Joel Fitzgibbon to raise Wyndham issues on a national stage.

The council’s wish list included:

•Support for a federal infrastructure fund for growth areas;

•Ongoing federal kindergarten funding;

•Population demand analysis for school provision funding; and

•Projects including development of Avalon as Melbourne’s second domestic and international airport.

Ms Grigsby said Wyndham was demonstrating its worth as a smart city.

“What we want to see is [the government] recognise that as a growth municipality, where we’ve still got some greenfield potential, we can do things quite differently here,” she said.