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Kinder registrations open

Registrations are now open for three and four year-old kindergarten places, which will be available in Wyndham next year. Wyndham’s family friendly city portfolio holder...

Plea for urgent road upgrade

By Alesha Capone Hundreds of people have thrown their support behind a petition calling for the upgrade of a “dangerous” road which runs between the...

Models strike a pose

Young people from all walks of life participated in a modelling competition at Pacific Werribee earlier this month. On the weekend of March 7 and...

A healing tale for zebra

A zebra at Werribee Open Range Zoo is recovering from a special medical procedure. Female Plains zebra Zaide underwent an operation on the open savannah...

City fights virus fallout

Wyndham council is set to launch a 'Buy local' campaign in order to help save jobs and minimise the unprecedented impact of COVID-19 on...

Coronavirus shuts down events

A slew of events planned to run across Wyndham during the next two months have been postponed and cancelled, as part of efforts to...

Man shot in Altona Meadows

Armed Crime Squad detectives are investigating after a man sustained a gunshot wound in Altona Meadows overnight. Investigators have been told that the man, aged...

Hillier’s wish list for the western suburbs

The mayors of the west headed to the national capital last week to present a wish list to the powers that be of the...

The Hillier View

We all know about the ugly parent syndrome. Well get ready for a new and even more disturbing syndrome about to invade our lives...

Big expansion to Wyndham electoral roll

If you notice Wyndham polling centres are a little busier than usual as you cast your vote this Saturday, it’s because of a 15...


Community Calendar

National seniors meeting On the first Wednesday of every month at 1.30pm, the metro west branch of national seniors meets atthe Deer Park Club, with...

Cats slip up