Kinder registrations open



Registrations are now open for three and four year-old kindergarten places, which will be available in Wyndham next year.

Wyndham’s family friendly city portfolio holder Cr Mia Shaw urged parents and guardians to register to be included in the first round of kindergarten offers.

“Kindergarten enrolments for 2021 need to be submitted by 31st May,” Cr Shaw said.

“Kindergarten is an important part of a child’s development.

“It helps children to develop communication skills that assist with reading and writing, gain confidence, develop a sense of responsibility and independence, make new friends and more.”

Cr Shaw said that research shows that high-quality early childhood, health and education services could have huge benefits, in terms of children’s lifelong wellbeing.

“Wyndham has the second highest number of children enrolled in kinder in Victoria, and the children that go to these kindergartens are part of one our fastest growing age groups,” she said.

“To ensure you have the best opportunity of receiving a place at the location and session of your choice, we recommend putting your application in as soon as possible.

“That’s why it’s really important that parents start thinking of enrolling their kids in kindergarten now.”

“It’s important that everyone knows that it’s not a first-in, best-dressed situation.

“Council’s system allocates places at kindergartens according to our established criteria.”

To download registration forms, visit or call 0742 0777.