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Tag: In Business

Environment intent: live more sustainably

More and more Australians, including those in Wyndham, are coming to terms with the importance of being environmentally friendly and ensuring the safety of...

ATO warns community against fraud

The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) is warning the community, such as residents in Wyndham, not to engage in tax fraud and to be wary...

Melbourne Wide Demolition’s smashing success

In the male-dominated construction and trade industry, it would be easy for many women to dismiss the notion of entering the industry. However, for...

Zapping low self esteem at Australian Skin Clinics

As one of the country’s leading experts in cosmetic injectable and aesthetic skin services, Australian Skin Clinics have you covered, whether you’re looking for...

Continence Foundation holds out for Bins4Blokes

Following the launch of its Bins4Blokes campaign in June 2021, the Continence Foundation of Australia has announced that support from businesses, councils and sporting...

Personalised service with FindYourZero

Now in her 19th year of business, Belinda Mangani provides a variety of financial and wellbeing services to residents of Wyndham and beyond. The business,...

Boxing rebrand set to knock out

First opening in Hoppers Crossing in July 2019, and in Point Cook in November 2021, 12RND Fitness has now been rebranded to UBX, pronounced...

Do kids have enough munch time at lunch time?

Recent research conducted by Deakin University’s Institute for Physical Activity and Nutrition (IPAN) and School of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences (SENS) has revealed some...

Continence care left out of the federal budget

Following the recent announcement of the federal budget, the Continence Foundation of Australia is calling for further action to support the millions of Australians,...

Retailer partners with charity for Domestic Violence Awareness Month

With May promoting Domestic Violence Awareness Month, registered charity Next Steps Australia has partnered with apparel retailer Best & Less to raise funds for...

Get the look with Julia Green

For homeowners in Wyndham, the desire to renovate and rejuvenate their interiors can become more and more demanding the longer you live in...

Can’t do 20 per cent? Consider alternatives for home buying

First home buyers in Wyndham may be feeling despondent about their capacity to purchase a property - it’s well known that buyers generally need...

How to style and design your new backyard

Your backyard provides you with the perfect space to relax, enjoy a swim, cook, or entertain. If you’re ready to give your home’s outdoor...

Keep your kids busy and the planet happy

With the next round of school holidays quickly approaching, many parents and guardians in Wyndham may be scratching their heads trying to think of...

All your tax time needs at Optimised Accounting

Working solely with business owners in a proactive and ongoing way, Optimised Accounting puts together a personalised package of services for each client, including...


Community Calendar

National seniors meeting On the first Wednesday of every month at 1.30pm, the metro west branch of national seniors meets atthe Deer Park Club, with...

Cats slip up