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Tag: growth

Wyndham investment soars over $200m

Investment in Wyndham continues to grow with more than $200 million worth of land and infrastructure agreements with developers made in the past financial...

Wyndham set to boom

Wyndham’s population is expected to balloon past half a million people within the next 20 years, according to new forecasts. Figures released by forecast analysts,...

Developer loses VCAT road widening compensation case

A developer has unsuccessfully tried to claim compensation from Wyndham council for land required for road widening. Tarneit Projects Pty Ltd, which received planning approval...

Levy to keep open space

Wyndham council will introduce a charge on subdivision applications in “established” parts of Wyndham, to help raise money to create more open spaces. Last week,...

New estate safety fears

A Wyndham Vale resident is disappointed by the lack of basic infrastructure around new estates. Michael Goldsworthy moved to the Jubilee estate, from Wyndham Green,...

Population outstrips city growth

  A Victorian Auditor General’s report has revealed what’s already common knowledge among Wyndham locals – that infrastructure is not keeping pace with population growth. The...

Werribee apartment plans lodged

  Plans for another multi-million dollar, multi-storey apartment block in Werribee’s CBD have been lodged with Wyndham council. The proposed $20 million development spans 5386 square...

Tarneit growth soars

Tarneit has experienced the biggest population growth in Australia in the past decade. The Wyndham suburb’s population increased by a massive 372 per cent between...

New library policy an open book

  Four new libraries are part of the next chapter for Wyndham’s growth, in a council plan to ensure most Wyndham residents live within three...

Multi-storey Werribee CBD plans reach new heights

  A slew of successful multi-storey planning applications will mean Werribee’s main street and its surrounds as you know them will soon be rendered unrecognisable. Wyndham...

Land sales just a click away

Forget camping out overnight to secure your dream house site – a developer has introduced online bidding for new land sales at one of...

Big building spend flows into city

  Werribee’s own private hospital, new business headquarters and housing estates are driving forces behind a record building spend across Wyndham. New Victorian Building Authority (VBA)...

Opposition sees Wyndham’s growth challenges

A member of the state opposition got a first-hand experience of Wyndham’s growth and infrastructure challenges last week. Tim Smith, the parliamentary secretary to Opposition...


New SES chief announced

Victoria State Emergency Service (VICSES) has announced Robert Purcell as the agency’s new chief executive, with his tenure beginning on March 11. Most recently...