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Tag: education

Heathdale principal passes baton

There’s been a changing of the guard at Heathdale Christian College. Outgoing principal Reynald Tibben handed over the reins to Ross Grace last week after...

Victoria University Secondary College: Inspiring students to play their part in creating the future

Inspiring students to play their part in creating the future, Victoria University Secondary College helps students achieve success, respect themselves and others and strengthen...

New school gets a head

Meet the principal of Point Cook’s newest school. Kerry Clayton will lead Point Cook South P-9 College, which will open its gates to prep to...

Werribee school cultivates good habits

The green thumbs of pupils at Werribee Primary School have them well on their way to winning a national award. The school has been named...

More voices join call for schools

Wyndham council has backed Tarneit MP Telmo Languiller-Tornesi’s call for the state government to honour its pledge of boosting education. Mr Languiller-Tornesi last week announced...

Mossfiel veterans celebrate 40-year careers

Barbara Murphy and Jennifer Wilkins have been around Mossfiel Primary School longer than the furniture – and, for that matter, some of the buildings. Business...

Music boost for Iramoo primary

Music classes at Iramoo Primary School have been brought into the 21st century with a much-needed upgrade of instruments. The school was last week granted...

Training program leaves no youth behind

Young people living in Broadmeadows who have been “left behind” will get more help accessing vocational training and employment as part of a new...

Back to the future for Mr Manitta

When it comes to Thomas Carr College, Stephen Manitta has seen it all. The 31-year-old Tarneit resident, who was part of the Thomas Carr class...

Islamic college has reasons to celebrate

Islamic College of Melbourne in Tarneit has been in a celebratory mood. Staff, students and guests last week celebrated a multicultural day, the opening of...

Green light for new Warringa Park campus

The future of Warringa Park School’s Cayleys Road campus has been secured by a state government budget boost. The school is one of 20 specialist...

‘Young eagle’ takes wing at Westbourne

Westbourne Grammar School’s new prep- grade 2 centre got the regal seal of approval recently when Governor-General Peter Cosgrove paid a visit. Sir Peter and Lady Lynne...

Gonski cuts ‘threaten Wyndham kids in need’

Millions of dollars will be ripped out of Wyndham schools if the federal government does not commit to funding the final two years of...

Independent travel on Warringa curriculum

Eighty-eight special-needs students at Warringa Park School will continue learning the ins and outs of getting around their city after the state government continued...

Schools top of budget wishlist

New schools and better roads and train services are top of the wishlist compiled by Wyndham council in its submission to the 2016-17 state...


Ballan Festival set to be the biggest

Kicking off the colder weather and the beauty of fallen leaves will be the annual Ballan Autumn Festival, set for Sunday, March 16. The...