By Alesha Capone
The number of active coronavirus cases in Wyndham residents has reached 151 cases today.
This is an increase of 17 cases since yesterday, when there were 133 active cases in Wyndham residents.
Out of Victoria’s municipalities, Wyndham residents have the third-highest amount of coronavirus cases. Melbourne has 226 active cases and Hume has 167 active cases.
Across the state, 288 new cases of the virus have been diagnosed since yesterday.
Twenty-six of the new cases are linked to outbreaks and 262 cases are under investigation.
The total number of COVID-19 cases in Victoria has now reached 3379 cases.
Stage 3 “Stay at Home” restrictions are in force across metropolitan Melbourne and the Mitchell Shire.
“These restrictions have become necessary because of the sharp increase in cases,” said Victoria’s Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton.
“If you live in these areas, there’ll be only four reasons to leave your home: shopping for food and essential items; care and caregiving; daily exercise; and work and study, if you can’t do it from home.’
Premier Daniel Andrews has today asked Victorians living in metropolitan Melbourne and the Mitchell Shire to wear face masks in situations when they are leaving their home and physical distancing is not possible, to help slow the spread of coronavirus in the community.
The recommendation applies to adults over the age of 18.
The recommendation does not apply to wearing masks in schools and early childhood settings.
The recommendation will not be enforced – people will not be fined for not wearing a face mask.
While face masks provide an added layer of protection against COVID-19, the best ways to reduce the transmission of coronavirus remain the same – good hand hygiene, cough and sneeze etiquette and keeping a physical distance of 1.5 metres.
The state government will order two million reusable face masks by the end of July.
To bridge the gap while local manufacturing ramps up, a million single-use masks will also be ordered.
Consultation will also occur with union and industry groups about whether the advice around face masks in the workplace needs to also be updated.