Wyndham Rotary’s high tea for a cause

Wyndham Rotary high tea hosts Helen Allen, Suzanne Selleck and Sue Campbell. Picture: Damjan Janevski

There will be scones, petit fours and pampering galore this Sunday when Wyndham Rotary hosts a high tea to raise funds for breast cancer research.

Ladies will be treated to scrumptious delicacies and can also have a massage or their hair, nails and make-up done – all the while raising money for the National Breast Cancer Foundation through raffles and a silent auction.

The high tea, being held at Derrimut Heath Primary School, is the first breast cancer fundraiser that Wyndham Rotary has hosted.

Wyndham Rotary past president and high tea organiser Sue Campbell said the event had already sold all its 150 tickets.

“We’re really pleased, we’re absolutely stoked about that,” Ms Campbell said.

“The ladies from Wyndham Rotary have worked extremely hard, asking businesses in the area to donate items for auction and preparing some of the food for the event.

“A lot of people have been touched by breast cancer in some way and [they] didn’t hesitate in helping us.”

Ms Campbell is confident of surpassing the fundraising target of $5000, with $3750 already raised through ticket sales. Donations can be made at www.wyndhamrotary.org.