Wyndham on ball for sports growth

A third leisure centre is on the cards for Wyndham. Picture: Damjan Janevski


The number of sports facilities across Wyndham is set to double in the next 30-or-so years in a council push to make sport more accessible for residents.

The council is developing a strategy to help plan for the infrastructure needed to support a diverse range of sports between now and 2045.

In particular, the council is planning to develop 34 sports reserves to add to the 32 already in existence.

Wyndham council chief executive Kelly Grisgby said initial planning for a third aquatic centre along Sayers Road, Tarneit, will begin in early 2017.

The council would not reveal whether the new centre would be on a similar scale to AquaPulse.

“We’re looking to understand the types of activities this future facility will accommodate,” Ms Grigsby said.

“Projects such as this are complex and require analysis and planning before they’re ready to start construction.”

The council is calling on residents to have their say about the future of Wyndham’s sports facilities. It will release its draft sports strategy in the new year.

Ms Grigsby said the strategy would detail what facilities were needed across the city.

“Council is committed to ensuring it provides every opportunity for Wyndham residents to have a healthy and active lifestyle.

“That’s why we’re seeking to hear from residents about what activities they currently participate in, would like to participate in and how – whether through a sports club, socially or via a commercial provider.”

The new strategy follows the release of a draft plan detailing how Wyndham council plans to accommodate “hard-to-locate sports” – that is, sports that have traditionally occupied remote facilities due to noise, dust or safety risks – in the next 10 to 20 years.

For more information, go to www.wyndham.vic.gov.au/sportsstrategy