Thanks for the support
An online fundraising campaign has raised more than $6500 for Wyndham Vale’s Michael Martin, who had to give up his job as a train...
Top online shopping suburbs
Two Wyndham suburbs have been named among the nation’s top three online shopping locations, for six months of this year.
Australia Post last week released...
Covid rapid testing teams deployed
A consortium of community health organisations led by IPC Health has started deploying COVID-19 Rapid Response Testing (RRTs) teams across the metropolitan area in...
Pampering session
The hippos and rhinos at Werribee Open Range Zoo are looking fresh and fabulous after enjoying pampering routines last week.
Zookeepers gave six Southern white...
Killer’s sentence reduced
A mother who deliberately drove into a Wyndham Vale lake, killing three of her children, has had her original sentence reduced for a second...
Candidates call for change
A mammoth 86 candidates are standing in the Wyndham council election, which will be held via a postal vote this month.
Thirty-eight nominees are running...
My Wyndham: Zheng Ke
Williams Landing father-of-two Zheng Ke spent seven years working as a chef, but decided to change careers so that he could spend more time...
JobKeeper drop an ‘economic risk’
Wyndham residents are set to lose more than $11 million in JobKeeper payments every fortnight, as the federal government program winds back this week.
Business bound by friendship
Young Point Cook entrepreneur Maddi wants to donate a quarter of her profits to charity.
Maddi, who will celebrate her 12th birthday today, started her...
Helping teens stay active
Point Cook mother Cherie Hawira and her daughters, Skyla and Willow, are helping teenage girls to stay active during the pandemic.
Ms Hawira runs Hoppers...
Drivers heed parking rules
The number of infringements issued for vehicles parked on Wyndham's nature strips has fallen significantly, since June last year.
Under Victorian law, parking fully or...
A snapshot of nature
The Nature in Wyndham Photo Competition is still open for submissions.
The competition, which is being run by the Werribee River Association (WRA), is asking...
Stepping up for mental health
Sonia Owen is stepping up for mental health.
Ms Owen, a volunteer firefighter with the Wyndham Vale CFA, is among hundreds of emergency services personnel...
Art explores smaller world
Photographs by Wyndham artist Ammar Yonis have been selected for an art project which explores the experience of Australia’s multicultural communities during the COVID-19...
Arndell Park surface will be pitch perfect
Wyndham council has announced $918,000 in funding to install a new surface on the Arndell Park pitch in Truganina.
Wyndham’s sports development portfolio holder, Cr...