Since getting involved in volutneering Laura Mallia has raised thousands of dollars for charity, she was recently named Wyndham council’s young person of the month, she chats to Fatima Halloum about cycling over 800kilometres for charity.
What’s your connection to Hoppers Crossing?
I have lived in Hoppers crossing my whole life and my family have been here for over 50 years. I also grew up working at our local Hoppers McDonald’s store for five years.
What do you like about where you live?
I love living in Hoppers Crossing as we have everything we need so close by. There is so many activities to do in the Wyndham area and ways that we can support our local community
What, if anything, would you change about where you live?
As I previously worked as a disability support worker I would love to open up a local sustainable community centre for children and young adults with additional needs where we can teach them real life skills such as cooking, gardening, arts and crafts amongst other skills. For me working in this field was a really rewarding experience and I enjoyed getting to help out others.
Where is your favourite local place to spend time?
I really love animals so any excuse to go down to Melbourne and Werribee zoo. I used to do work experience at Werribee zoo back in 2016 and love visiting all the cute animals! I also love going for walks down to the Werribee River with my dog or going on a bike ride down the Federation Trail.
Tell us something people would be surprised to know about you…
I used to have over 150 pets! And whilst I work in childcare now I love animals and building things and have recently built a little house in my backyard for my dogs.
Tell me about some of the charity work that you do?
I firstly started off when I was little doing the Million Paws Walk back at Presidents Park for the RSPCA. I then became a social justice captain at my high school which got me involved in a lot more charity work where I volunteered raising over $4000 for the RSPCA’s cupcake day by holding raffles and baked goods stall at school. I also cut 30cm off my long blonde hair and donated it to the Australia Alopecia Areata Foundation who make wigs for kids with cancer and alopecia. I have also volunteered for a few years with Edmund Rice who hold a homework/tutoring club for refugee kids. As I got to year 12 I went over to the Philippines for 2 weeks where we volunteered in schools and orphanages and with children living on the streets. I am going back to the Philippines again in January with some young people from my parish church (St James in Hoppers Crossing) and can’t wait to continue with our missionary work helping those less fortunate than us. It’s been harder to find the time to volunteer now as I’m working full time but I love to do anything I can to help out other people and charities in my spare time
How did you get into bike riding?
I got into bike riding as I’m always looking for new charities to support and raise money for but through the COVID lockdown it was tougher to go out raising money so I looked for something I could do within my 5km and found the Great Cycle Challenge where I have raised over $1500 and rode over 800km over the last couple of years.
You were recently announced as the Wyndham One recipient for November, how did it feel to be recognised for the great work that you do?
It feels good to be recognised for my work but the main thing I hope for is to inspire other young people to get involved in their local community by volunteering their time to different charities and organisations. There will be a charity suited to everyone interests that would need your help.