Werribee Mansion will soon mark a milestone and residents across Melbourne’s north west have been asked to help celebrate.
An exhibition will be held in September to commemorate 145 years of Werribee Mansion and people can submit their own memories, photos and stories, discussing what the attraction means to them.
Customer service officer Jenny Hanson said the exhibition aims to celebrate the tourist landmark.
“The whole concept was to look at the mansion through other people’s eyes and get their perspective…It’s a beautiful setting.” Ms Hanson said.
“[The mansion is] used by everybody for all sorts of reasons, even just a family gathering.”
Ms Hanson said it was a “full circle moment” when visitors tell her they once visited the mansion as kids, but are now bringing their own children.
“It means a lot to a lot of people and I just want to celebrate that,” she said.
“[It’s] an acknowledgement to the public…it’s our collective heritage and I think we should be proud of it.”
The theme of the exhibition will be ‘the mansion through visitors eyes’, and residents can submit their stories until Friday, August 26.
“Then [we can] display those stories and those photos, like a community celebration of what it means to everybody,” Ms Hanson said.
Details: mansion@parks.vic.gov.au