Help find local frogs


Melbourne Water is staging two frog finding events this April to mark Citizen Science Month.

Melbourne Water’s Citizen Science initiative is a community focused program designed to protect and enhance local waterways and environment, monitor wildlife, and educate. The emphasis this month is on frog counting.

The first of two community events will be staged on Friday, 12 April, where Melbourne Water, in conjunction with the Werribee River Keeper Association, will be investigating local frog species along the Wyndham Vale waterways.

Using the free Frog Census App, technology that identifies, monitors and locates frog species, attendees will better understand what frog types are native to their local area.

“Our Citizen Science program has been popular with the kids, helping them engage with the environment and the wildlife in their local community,” Jane Petch, Melbourne Water’s Waterwatch Coordinator, said.

Frogs perform a range of useful services like pest control, but they can be sensitive to changes in the environment from things like habitat loss, pollution and drought – making them an important indicator of waterway health.

For more information on Citizen Science Month and to attend an event visit the Melbourne Water website. Detail on the Frog Census app and how to download can also be found.