Flu cases on the rise

Doctors are urging Wyndham residents to ensure they get flu shots before peak flu season hits.

Latest Victorian Health Department statistics reveal that so far this year there have been 54 reported cases of the flu in Wyndham, up from a total of 23 cases in 2013.

But Wyndham GP Joe Garra believes many cases go unreported.

“The reported ones are where tests have been done so the figures are only a small percentage of the number of people in the community with the flu,” he said.

The Australian Medical Association is predicting that this year will bring the worst flu season in years, with infection rates already up on previous years.

The association believes a delay in releasing this year’s vaccine is behind the spike in cases.

“There are a lot of people sick at the moment, but we haven’t reached the peak yet,” Dr Garra said. “The flu season usually peaks in late July-August.”

He said while doctors recommended that anyone 65 or older or with a chronic illness receive the flu vaccination each year, it was important that others in the community take action to protect themselves as well.

“A lot of people don’t get the shot because they think they won’t get the flu,” he said. “If you are in contact with lots of people, we recommend that you also consider getting the flu shot.”

The vaccine is free to people 65 and older, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders aged either between six months and five years or 15 or older, pregnant women and people with certain chronic conditions.