Feeding Wyndham

Wyndham Park Community Centre manager Greg Ferrington. (Supplied) 220620_01

By Alesha Capone

A Werribee community centre and its partners are helping to feed hundreds of local families every week.

Wyndham Park Community Centre manager Greg Ferrington said that prior to the pandemic, the centre was helping around 60 families with meals every week.

Mr Ferrington said this has soared to around 600 families per week since the pandemic began.

He also said that when JobKeeper payments decreased in September, the centre saw a 25 per cent rise in demand for support.

Mr Ferrington said the centre was lucky to be in a partnership with the United Sikhs.

Between them, the two organisations supply grocery boxes to around 150 families each week.

Mr Ferrington said the centre has also developed invaluable partnerships with other organisations, such as the Country Women’s Association Point Cook Evening Branch, which helps out with the meals program.

“We also have a great partnership with a Werribee South farm that supplies four boxes of fresh produce a week,” he said.

“The RACV City Club is delivering 250 meals per fortnight, and want to do a working bee at the centre once pandemic restrictions allow them to.”

Members of a Tarneit retirement village also knitted toys, which have been donated to children whose families receive the grocery boxes.

“COVID-19 has brought the good people out of the woodwork,” Mr Ferrington said.

The centre has appealed for donations of pasta, pasta sauce, rice, breakfast cereal, tinned goods and nappies for its grocery box program.

Donations can be dropped off at the centre, which is located at 55/57 Kookaburra Avenue, from Monday to Friday between 9am-1pm.

Details: wyndhamparkcc.com.au, 8742 3975.