Council calls for budget justice

Wyndham council has called on the state government to commit to an integrated Werribee justice precinct when it unveils its 2017-18 budget next week.

The council wants to see the government put its money where its mouth is and fund the $20 million project, which would include:

• A new police complex;

• A multi-jurisdictional court complex including a range of courts and court support services that would cover both criminal and civil matters; and

• A range of community support services, including mental health, drug and alcohol rehabilitation, family violence support, and services for those experiencing homelessness, financial hardship and unemployment.

A three hectare site in the East Werribee Employment Precinct has been earmarked for the precinct.

In December, the state government announced its plans to rebuild Werribee police station as part of a $2  billion package to help police resources keep up with population growth. The four-year plan will also include the recruitment of more than 2750 new police officers statewide. Police Association figures reveal that Wyndham now has 45 police for every 100,000 residents, compared with a state average of 102 officers for every 100,000 residents.

A spokesman for suburban development minister Lily D’Ambrosio said work is underway on a detailed master plan for the justice precinct.

“The government is considering locating a fit-for-purpose justice precinct in Wyndham,” the spokesman said.

“This justice precinct is a great example of agencies and industry working together to ensure new investments are integrated and connected to maximise investments and meet the growing needs of the community.”

The spokesperson did not specify when the project would be funded, or when construction was likely to begin.