Council approves Piazza planning permit

Wyndham Civic Centre. (Damjan Janevski) 255196_02

Wyndham council has approved a planning permit for the development of a pop-up restaurant and bar at the Wedge Street Piazza in Werribee.

The temporary eatery will be used by the adjoining restaurant, Wolf on Watton, and will also provide an outdoor seating space.

Council publicly advertised the application and received five objections as part of the process.

An objector to the application, Norman Taugge, said the proposal was a “cheap grab” for public property.

“It’s quite a pleasant place to stay or visit … the pop up building is larger than the vegetated area that does exist, that naturally will go,” he said.

“The new decking area in front of the pop-up, this will infringe even more public space.”

Applicant Rolando Bustamante said his businesses in the municipality employed more than 2250 people and he was “passionate and dedicated” to Wyndham.

“We have worked closely with council officers from planning…to ensure that the issues raised regarding the proposal and lease of part of the piazza have been addressed and resolved,” he said.

“This includes waste storage, length of lease, appropriate seating to avoid any damage to council assets and vegetation.”

Mr Bustamante said he understood that the majority of objectors were concerned about the approval of an additional liquor licence in the city.

“Wolf on Watton has an imperative, as part of its business and as a licenced premises, to monitor and control liquor consumption to ensure no harm for patrons and the community,” he said.

“This would also be extended to the piazza.”

The complaints also related to the usability of the space and concerns the piazza would no longer be usable by Werribee residents.

Council said the proposal did not seek exclusive use of the piazza and space had been retained for general public use.