Celebrating cultural harmony

Wyndham volunteers and community members came together as part of Wyndham Volunteers Association's Harmony Day celebration. (Supplied)

Carranballac P-9 College in Point Cook was awash with a range of different colours and cultural garb as part of Wyndham Volunteers Association’s (WVA) Harmony Day celebration.

Supported by Wyndham council, the day involved more than 200 attendees from across Wyndham filling out the school’s auditorium on Sunday, March 19.

WVA president Hasan Naim said the aim of this event was to create harmony and showcasing the diversity of the various multicultural groups in Wyndham and he was “very proud” of the event’s success.

“Through this event, we have seen how beautiful one another’s cultures are,” he said.

“The vibrancy and beauty in each individual, which have been reflected through generations of traditions standing behind us, show how wonderful our different roots are.

“It is important to show our individuality in culture and traditions.”

Mr Naim said it was his intention to create a culturally vibrant event which showcases the diversity of Wyndham and fosters a more united municipality.

“Diversity is the beauty of our society, it gives us an opportunity to learn about other cultures and an understanding of our differences,” he said.

“Celebrating our differences, as well as our common interests, helps unite and educate us to build a better, healthier and harmonised community.”