Cade Lucas
A series of violent break-ins at a Wyndham Vale home has led to calls for the state’s bail laws to be strengthened.
The three incidents, between August 2022 to March 2024, involved property damage, theft and threats of violence are believed to have been perpetrated by the same offender.
Liberal upper-house member for Western Metropolitan, Trung Luu, raised the matter in state parliament on behalf of his constituent and alleged victim of the break-ins, known as Mr N.
During upper house question time on Tuesday March 9, Mr Luu, a former police officer, blamed weak bail laws for allowing what he described as “three brutal attacks,” on Mr N.
“There is no restraining order, and from the recurrence of violent attacks there appear to be no bail conditions. If there are, they are not protecting him,” he said he said before detailing the three incidents which saw Mr N and his family terrorised depite the offender being bailed twice.
Mr Luu then questioned police minister Anthony Carbines about the matter.
“Could the minister please update my constituent on what is being done to keep his family safe?”
The question was taken on notice by Minister Carbines while further inquiries to the office of Attorney General, Jaclyn Symes, were not received by deadline.
Last year the state government loosened some aspect of the bail system following an extensive review claiming the changes would “make the laws fairer and reduce the disproportionate impact felt by women, children and Aborginal peoples”.
While not referring directly to the incidents involving Mr N, Trung Luu later told Star Weekly the changes had reduced community safety.
“The weakening of the bail law has enabled offenders to re-offend again and again, without any repercussions,” he said in demanding they again be changed.
In written correspondence with Star Weekly, Mr N agreed that the balance had swung to far in favour of those who commit violent offences.
“I think the current legal system is not doing enough to protect innocent people and deter offenders to re-commit crimes.”
Mr N said the incidents had had a devastating effect on he and his family, with one attack causing he elderly grandfather to have a heart attack.
“My trust in our legal system’s ability to protect innocent people and preventing crimes from happening has eroded enormously. My family has now rarely had a good sleep at night. We have to sleep in nervousness and regularly wake up to check on the front street, so that we have a bit more time to call the police in case the offenders return again.”