Wyndham councillors’ new pledge on reconciliation

Wyndham councillors have committed to encouraging greater understanding, respect, inclusion and opportunities for the city’s Aboriginal residents.

A draft statement was adopted last week setting out the principles by which the council will work with both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people towards reconciliation.

The statement is a precursor to the development of the city’s four-year Reconciliation Action Plan. Councillors also voted to set up a Wyndham Reconciliation advisory committee.

A report to councillors said Wyndham has metropolitan Melbourne’s third highest Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population.

Iramoo ward’s Cr Peter Gibbons said the statement was “a very important milestone for our council and for our community”.

“Recognition is the first step towards reconciliation,” Cr Gibbons said.

“This draft statement of commitment clearly recognises past wrongs and injustices. It’s important we do not shy away from acknowledging this reality.

“Reconciliation isn’t just about recognising wrongs – it is about taking action to make things right and to move forward together.

“This process will not only benefit the Aboriginal community but also the broader Wyndham community.”