My Wyndham: Trevor Weston

Wyndham Vale CFA captain Trevor Weston values his Wyndham friendships.


What’s your connection to the local community?

I live in Manor Lakes with my family and have been here for 10 years. Prior to that I lived in Werribee from age 5.

I’m captain of Wyndham Vale CFA and have been since July, but I’ve been involved with the brigade from its conception in 2011. It’s a completely volunteer-run brigade with about 41 operational members and about eight support crew. We train every Tuesday morning. My involvement with the CFA started as a hobby because I like being engaged with the community. I’ve made great friendships and learned a lot through different experiences.

I’m also a paramedic and have been since 2001. I started my career in Wyndham and am now part of the operational logistics department managing the operational equipment statewide.

What’s your favourite eatery or place to get coffee?

Cody’s Café in Wyndham Vale. They make a fantastic chocolate thick shake and coffee. We also go for brekkie sometimes on a Sunday. Fresh Chilli Thai restaurant in Wyndham Vale is a good healthy takeaway option.

What do you like about your neighbourhood?

It’s a great place to live. There’s lots of development and growth providing many opportunities. Within the CFA particularly, we enjoy having an input into what goes on in the area and helping shape our community.

Wyndham has kept a bit of its country feel while becoming a bigger city.

What would you change?

The traffic is very frustrating.

There’s a lack of funding for the CFA and Ambulance Victoria, which should be increased.

We need better facilities and appliances such as a pumper [truck] for Wyndham Vale – like the ones Werribee and Hoppers Crossing CFAs have.

Where’s your ideal retreat spot in Wyndham?

We’ve got two young boys and like taking them for a walk or ride along the Werribee River. We also like Werribee Park for family picnics and it’s where my wife and I got married.

Share a story of being out and about in Wyndham.

At Wyndham Vale CFA we get involved with Movember each year. I don’t like facial hair, but it’s for a good cause. This is the third time we’ve been involved and last year we raised about $5000.