Wyndham student in hospital after attack by classmate

A teenage girl who put a classmate in hospital following an alleged assault at a Wyndham high school last week is expected to be charged by police.

The victim’s mother, Sonya (not her real name) told 3AW her 15-year-old daughter was attacked during the lunch break on March 10 by a girl who she claimed had been bullying her for weeks.

She claimed her daughter was eating her lunch when she was approached by the alleged attacker, also aged 15.

Sonya said her daughter’s hair was grabbed before she was kneed in the face, punched, kicked and pushed down stairs.

“It was very heartbreaking to see my daughter in the situation she was,” she said.

“Emotionally, she’s a wreck. School bullying is still going on and we need to put a stop to it.”

Sonya said her daughter was taken to hospital by ambulance and left in a neck brace.

However, she was upset when she was told by the school they would only be issuing her daughter’s alleged attacker with a five-day suspension.

“I did tell the school that it was quite unacceptable,” Sonya said.

The school’s principal confirmed an incident had taken place between two year 10 students last week and it had taken disciplinary action.

The alleged attacker has been interviewed by police and released pending a summons.