Plans afoot for Point Cook

The Victorian Planning Authority is about to begin preparing a precinct structure plan for a part of Point Cook.

The authority, also known as the VPA, is a state government organisation which helps to plan housing and infrastructure.

The VPA’s website announced pre-planning for the Aviator Fields precinct structure plan (PSP), in Point Cook, will start this month or July.

The Aviator Fields area covers 413 hectares bounded by Point Cook Road, Aviation Road, Hacketts Road and a housing development to the north.

The land is located about 1.5 kilometres from to the Point Cook Coastal Park and includes two large wetlands.

The VPA website stated the site had been identified as “suitable for mostly residential uses”, by a committee which advised the Minister for Planning on areas proposed for inclusion within the Urban Growth Boundary.

The website also said the committee had recommended that “significant areas” of the Aviator Fields PSP should be set aside for conservation and stormwater management.

The VPA said it would work with Wyndham Council and other stakeholders to prepare the PSP.

A biodiversity assessment will also be carried out to determine the area’s conservation values. Visit for details.