Addicted to growth
The rapid population growth of Wyndham is proving a cost burden on everyone, with rates continuing to increase well above the inflation rate. The costs of new infrastructure and services, on top of maintaining those existing, cannot possibly keep up with demand, as has been shown by hospital waiting lists, the lack of high care services, parking and traffic woes, school shortages, etc. The only groups that really benefit are property developers, big business owners, estate agents and politicians, who benefit from the support of these organisations and related individuals.
Our addiction to growth is not paying dividends to the majority of us. Instead, government funds (our taxes) are now directed to expensive infrastructure instead of sustaining and improving our quality of life and that of future generations. Wyndham council should be advocating for a stable population, Australia-wide, so our environment, health, education and other fundamentals can be given the priority they deserve.
… Jennie Epstein, Little River
Who dared the Eagle?
[Re: Eagle flopped in focus groups, Star Weekly, May 27] And, of course, councillor Hegadich said publicly that the council should not be swayed by the views of 3000 people. And Peter Gibbons said that once WCC had made a decision it should not change its mind (in relation to the naming issue). So, in the final analysis, have all the focus groups, community consultations and surveys you want, then ignore all that and do what you wanted in the first place. No wonder there is growing criticism of WCC.
… Paul Harder, via web
Spell out naming rights
The only people who should have been surveyed about it are the ones who use the ‘Rec Centre’. Surely they are the most appropriate people to name it? I don’t understand why the council is being so stubborn and not admitting it has got it wrong.
… Joe Garra, via web