The Hillier View

The next few weeks will be an interesting time for our council as Cr Intaj Khan serves his suspension.

While the ‘S’ word is hardly used in this instance, that is what it is – a suspension – not a leave of absence. It might be a timely break for the Harrison ward representative though, to reflect on why he ran for council, and what he hopes to achieve during the rest of this term.

The question ‘Why did you run for council?’ must get as tiresome for incumbent councillors as, ‘Why don’t you run for council?’ is for many people not in elected office. I do think it is a good question to ask at certain times. A lot of us use this time of year, before the Christmas break, to reflect on where we are and where we want to head in our professional and personal lives.

Even though councillors take on a four-year commitment, things happen and circumstances change. Re-evaluating is a healthy exercise, regardless of your vocation. I think councillors should be constantly re-evaluating their goals, motives and commitment to the job.

Despite what some say and think, it is not an easy job. The scrutiny is intense and sometimes invasive. You need a thick skin and a good support group to be a councillor. Cr Khan certainly has the former, and he will need it to navigate his return to the chamber.

He has always run his own race and while I don’t see that changing, I believe he needs to display a more community-minded approach to his council business.

If it is true he has political ambitions above the local government level, it would do him no harm in that arena as well, to be more focused on serving his constituents’ needs and issues, rather than what looks like, to an outsider, an endless stream of self promotion.

Any job in the public eye these days attracts more criticism than plaudits, but even given that scenario Cr Khan brings much of it on himself.

This enforced holiday is his chance to re-evaluate, rethink and maybe reinvent himself in Wyndham. Wonder what he will choose. ■