1st Werribee Scout Group honours milestone, calls for photos

The 1st Werribee Scout Group turns 100 next year and is calling for photos and memorabilia for its centennial celebrations.

Group leader Kim Monk said there were few records from the early years and the club was keen to find any memorabilia from scouting in Werribee, especially photos.

The 1st Werribee Scouts was founded by Scout master Reverend Ash in 1915, and included 15 boys.

Girls first joined the ranks in the 1970s.

Today, the group has almost 100 young members and leaders and is the third-largest in the Werribee Plains district.

Mr Monk said community support had kept the 1st Werribee Scout Group going.

“In the old days, the town was very supportive of all its community groups and scouting offered a lot of the outdoor things that people were involved in anyway, so it was not an alien concept,” he said.

“Scouting had a good reputation, and still does. The leaders can make or break a Scout group,” he said.

“If they’re not good leaders, numbers dwindle and, if they are good leaders, the numbers grow.

“We’ve been very lucky; we’ve had the best facilities at Soldiers Reserve and have been there for more than 70 years.”

Mr Monk said scouting was regaining momentum, with parents keen to see their kids learn hands-on practical skills rather than being glued to the latest piece of technology.

He said the club would stagger celebrations over the year, with an open weekend planned for next October to showcase the 100 years of history.

To share or donate memorabilia, call Mr Monk on 0409 537 099.