Wyndham council rejects CCTV cameras in CBD

Wyndham council has ruled out installing CCTV cameras in Werribee CBD despite a state government offer to fund the technology.

As part of the Justice Department’s community crime prevention program, councils can apply for grants of up to $250,000 to use urban design and technology such as CCTV and lighting, to boost safety.

Police Minister Wade Noonan said the program would ensure crime prevention was done in consultation with local communities and would help them assess ways to reduce crime.

The need for CCTV cameras in Werribee’s CBD, particularly around Watton Street, has been raised repeatedly by residents and local businesses.

But the council has ruled out applying for the grants, saying CCTV required ongoing funding and was not needed in Wyndham.

Chief executive Kerry Thompson said previous governments had offered funding for CCTV cameras but that required council to provide considerable extra money as well as pay ongoing costs, including monitoring and maintenance.

She added that monitoring of safety in public places was a matter for police in consultation with the government.

“This is not something that has been pursued by council as advice from local police is that they have sufficient access to CCTV footage from other parties if required for evidence,” Ms Thompson said.

“Should the police have new evidence that would lead them to reconsider this, council will participate in the identification of the actions required to develop an appropriate response.

“Improving community safety is a priority for this council.

“If there are concerns that greater safety measures are required for Werribee CBD, we will be pleased to support a campaign for increased local police resources.”