Khurram Khan is Wyndham’s Young Achiever of the Year

Meet Wyndham’s Young Achiever of the Year.

Hoppers Crossing resident Khurram Khan took out the top honour at a recent awards ceremony, adding to what’s fast becoming an extensive slew of awards.

The 20-year-old, who arrived in Wyndham from Pakistan only two years ago, was recognised with a Mayoral Youth Award in the Community Service, Volunteering and Leadership category in 2014 for his work volunteering tutoring science students in the Sudanese Community.

He also received the Victorian Premier’s New Resident Volunteer of the Year Award late last year.

Apart from tutoring, Mr Khan also volunteers with a range of charity organisations, including St Vincent de Paul and Amnesty International, and is a member of Hoppers Crossing Rotary Club.

Councillor Marie Brittan said Mr Khan, who is studying biomedicine at Melbourne University, demonstrated what Wyndham youths were capable of, regardless of their circumstances.