Manor Lakes photographer out to capture the heart of the west

A Manor Lakes photographer wants to capture Wyndham’s cultural diversity through her lens – and she needs help.

Ellen Clendining plans to exhibit as many as 100 Wyndham portraits for her upcoming exhibition, Faces of Wyndham, at Manor Lakes Community Centre later this year.

Clendining started working on the exhibition in January and is keen to recruit more people for her collection.

She said she wants people from all walks of life and has already taken the portraits of new immigrants, long-time Wyndham residents, council employees, stay-at-home-mums and business owners.

“I have travelled and lived overseas, been involved with many different cultural groups and have found the amazing, mundane, beautiful, ugly, good and bad in every group.

“We are all humans, ” Clendining said.

“It is our life experience, ancestry, cultural identity and unique outlook that makes each one of us an individual.”

Clendining has lived at Manor Lakes for the past three-and-a-half years.

She said she is surprised and disappointed by the negative perception Melburnians still have about the western suburbs.

“I wanted to put something together to showcase that Wyndham has some amazing people,” she said.

“There’s a diverse group of people that make up our community.”

For more information, join Faces of Wyndham Facebook group or email