Beds to fill, and fund

Great news that money has been provided to expand Werribee Mercy. I just hope there is extra money to fund [patients] using the beds once they are built.

… Joe Garra, via web

Great news but, geez, a pediatric ward would have voters in the electorate dancing.

… Robyn Gray, via facebook.

About bloody time.

… Helene Tomlinson, via facebook

Roads mess needs fixing

[With regards to the budget allocation to widen the off-ramp at Forsyth Road] they need to widen the Forsyth Road bridge to a dual carriageway and do the same to the start of the Old Geelong Road.

Secondly, widening Palmers Road to include the bus lane will only work if they widen the bridge over Skeleton Creek as it’s only going to create a bottleneck at the point where the road reverts back to single lane.

Let’s hope sanity will prevail to fix this mess.

… Wayne Hardy, via facebook

What about Point Cook Road? It’s the only road for Sanctuary Lakes residents and so many other residents who go through the 45- to 60-minute commute just to reach the stand-still freeway.

… Josh Dickson, via Facebook

Young need stability

[Budget saves youth program, Star Weekly, May 6] Due to a heavy reliance on the housing industry, and property development, our population growth has surged ahead faster than our economy.

The result is high youth unemployment – young people locked out of our economy, and a future. It’s futile to “offset” our ageing population with even more young migrants. The solutions and problems being faced by today’s generation are out of kilter with reality and are based on economic theories that “growth” is the answer to everything. We should be stabilising our population and diversifying our economy to stop over-relying on the housing, mortgage, and real estate investment industries.

… Vivkay, via web