Immersed in Spanish

When visitors enter the grounds at Wyndham Central College, they are likely to be greeted by a friendly “Hola!” from students.

The school runs Spanish language classes for years 7 to 10 and a program in years 7 and 8 in which students experience Spanish language immersion within their curriculum.

Spanish teacher Alex De-Leon says students have shown enthusiasm towards learning about the cultures and histories of Spain and Latin America.

“As teachers, we try and make learning Spanish as interesting and engaging as we can to provide a good blend of academic interactive curriculum,” he said.

The Spanish immersion program is based on select entry, with students required to complete an examination and take part in an interview process.

Most of the students who are currently in the program are keen learners with ambitions to study at university. Studying a second language will assist in their development.

The Spanish immersion program provides other opportunities to students and staff through the college’s sister school relationship with Gredos San Diego College in Buitrago, Spain. An exchange trip is planned for 2016.

Principal Julie Myers says staff members are committed to delivering a rigorous and challenging curriculum. She said the provision of $16 million through the state budget and the education department for the whole-school master plan would provide the teaching and learning facilities that students deserve.

Wyndham Central College, 101 Shaws Road, Werribee. Inquiries: 9741 4911 or