
Welcome to the
WRICA Careers
Expo at Wyndham

Jobs and education are two of the biggest challenges facing young people in the cities of Wyndham and Hobsons Bay.

The loss of traditional manufacturing jobs and growing youth unemployment in Melbourne’s west are creating significant challenges for the many government bodies, businesses and educational organisations committed to skilling communities and providing local employment opportunities.

Even without these pressures, the transition from school to further education, training and employment can be daunting, particularly if the right information to make the best choices is not easily at hand.

That is why this Careers Expo is so important.

Celebrating its 18th anniversary, the expo is the third largest event of its kind in Victoria and provides an unparalleled opportunity to help young people make crucial decisions about the type of work they would like to pursue and to better understand the training and education they need to help them achieve their dream job or career.

Wyndham council is proud to provide support and funding for the expo.

The Wyndham council is itself on a mission to attract business investment and create local jobs for a booming population.

We have thrown our support behind job creation initiatives at the East Werribee employment precinct, Werribee City Centre and Truganina employment precinct. We’re also actively involved with the WynBay Local Learning and Employment Network whose mission it is to broker programs that provide critical employment pathways for our young people.

Congratulations to the Wyndham Hobsons Bay Regional Careers Association for its hard work and commitment in running the expo for the past 17 years. I am sure that this year’s expo will be hugely popular and extremely valuable for all of those who attend.

Cr Peter Maynard

mayor, Wyndham council