Future unclear on Werribee Mansion’s Live on the Lawn concerts

The future of Wyndham’s Live on the Lawn concert is shrouded in secrecy, with the council refusing to reveal plans for the one-day music event.

The council-run show is held on the great lawn at Werribee Mansion each summer, bringing renowned musicians to the city.

But the council is refusing to say what is in store for concert fans, despite its 2015-16 draft budget commitment to creating and running a new event to replace Live on the Lawn. The replacement event is listed as one of the budget’s “key new initiatives”.

The council is also refusing to reveal how much the live concerts have cost ratepayers to date and why the annual event is being replaced.

However, in a statement, the council’s sustainable development director, Dean Rochfort, said no decision had been made yet on the future of Live on the Lawn.

Chief executive Kerry Thompson backed Mr Rochfort’s response, saying that “at this stage, the council is still in the decision-making process with regards to running Live on the Lawn or a new event in 2016”.

Ms Thompson said any new event would meet the objectives of the council’s city plan, which aims to enhance Wyndham’s image.

She said the city had an annual events budget, which would allocate money to any new event.

“Council is committed to running events that link back to the plan and meet our objectives to run events that benefit the community and increase visitation,” she said.

Live on the Lawn has been running for five years.

It started in 2011 as Legends on the Lawn before being revamped last year and renamed Live on the Lawn. This year’s concert took on a country twist, attracting 4500 people.


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