The Hillier View: It’s all in the name

In my past two columns I have made it abundantly clear I don’t like the names of our two newest community facilities – Eagle Stadium and the AquaPulse and Encore Events Centre. I have been overwhelmed by support on social media and email.

But I am delighted we have these great facilities in our city. I have never implied anything else, and for some to suggest this is just narrow-minded thinking.

Wyndham is a city on the move (except on its roads) and we should be getting more sport facilities, kindergartens, schools, hospitals, police stations, public transport and roads as a matter of course.

These facilities are not a photo opportunity for opportunistic politicians or bureaucrats. They should not be dependent on which political party is in power at whatever level of government.

This is about serving the people, regardless of who sits on what side of Spring Street, Canberra or the Civic Centre. Whether you are a councillor, council staffer or a member of either parliament, remember you work for the people of the City of Wyndham.

I get annoyed when people are more intent on keeping their jobs rather than doing them. If you do your job well enough, you won’t need to worry about losing it.

A community that cares

I  was really impressed with the way the Wyndham Vale and Manor Lakes communities and the people of the City of Wyndham rallied around the Guode family in their time of need following the tragic death of three innocent children.

While it may be hard for the Guode family to realise in their time of grief, people in the west feel their pain and are there to help in any way they can, now and in the future.

That is one of the fundamental characteristics of our community and I hope that it never changes.

Well done to all concerned with the fundraising day at Howqua Reserve last Sunday and especially Troy Whiting and the Manor Lakes Football Club.

Talk to me

■ What do you think? Post a comment below.

■ If you have any news or events, let me know at kevin@howdypartnersmedia.

The column

Click here to read previous The Hillier View columns