The Hillier View: Funny how we changed

Have we lost our sense of humour or have our standards changed? And has there ever been a bigger gap between what each generation finds amusing?

I vividly remember watching Fawlty Towers with my parents and we all thought it was hilarious. I share a love of Seinfeld with my son Beau yet I don’t get Family Man, and he does.

My friend, Les Twentyman, went on social media at the weekend to condemn an advert that Shane Crawford appeared in. He felt it was insensitive to those whose lives had been affected by suicide, especially involving trains. I haven’t seen the ad, but that doesn’t matter. I wonder if we have become too sensitive to everything in life.

A policeman says it isn’t safe for women to walk on their own at night and that’s labelled a sexist comment. Please! My son was held up and robbed while walking home from Hoppers train station a few years back. If I told him it was not safe to do what he did, would that be sexist?

We need to stop looking for reasons to be outraged. I accept that my sense of humour is totally different to a 20 or 30-year-old, but I reserve the right to not like what comes out of the mouths of today’s comedians, radio presenters and TV hosts. I also defend their right to perform and deliver their comedy. Can we agree to disagree and not turn it into a slanging match between the generations?

I don’t like toilet humour, but that doesn’t mean I want it banned. Even I laughed at the baked beans scene in Blazing Saddles but I found a recent on-air revelation about a toilet accident by a radio duo – which went viral on social media – disgusting. Yet many people found it funny. Laughter is the best medicine, so you take yours and I’ll take mine.

Thank you, all

Thanks to everyone for your comments on the passing of my father, Phil. It was much appreciated by all my family. I even ran into the daughter of Max Hughes, one of his teammates from the 1946 Spotswood premiership side. Max is doing well and living in a retirement village in Altona.

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