Classic WWI planes propel Avalon airshow to new heights

Andrew Carter loves old aeroplanes. For him, the older the better, which is interesting given his day job is flying Boeing 737 airliners.

That love of vintage aviation led to him founding the Australian Vintage Aviation Society, which is this week making its debut at the 2015 Australian International Airshow at Avalon.

Mr Carter’s organisation has brought three classic WWI planes to the airshow – the most eye-catching being his bright red Fokker Triplane, the type linked to the Red Baron.

The other two are museum-quality recreations of other German designs, the Eindekker EIII and the Fokker DVII.

These aircraft will join classic WWI re-creations from New Zealand to showcase military aviation from the Great War.

As part of the airshow’s 100 years of military aviation theme, aircraft will fly in simulated dogfights much as the originals did over France 100 years ago.

Mr Carter said: “We see our involvement at Avalon as a unique way to show the public just what aircraft of the time were really like – what the designers, builders and pilots of the time had and just how difficult their job was.”

Australian International Airshow

The Australian International Airshow is open to the public on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Visit