The Hillier View: Losing our R.E.S.P.E.C.T.

R.E.S.P.E.C.T. Find out what it means to me. Aretha Franklin had a monster hit in the late sixties with a song called Respect. I heard it on the radio recently and it made me think about the changing landscape we live in.

I think we’re losing our respect for each other and most things in general. The easy ones to identify are politicians, lawyers and the clergy. There was a time when being in any of those vocations meant you were held in the highest esteem. Now that’s not the case. In some ways they have themselves to blame, but, like saying all Collingwood supporters have no teeth, a broad generalisation is unfair.

The same with teachers and police, who have never been more scrutinised and accountable. Their rung on the totem pole of respect has dropped significantly and, in many ways, unfairly. It seems we’re becoming more and more a society that needs to find someone to blame for everything, instead of taking the responsibility ourselves. A classic example is “my child can’t count so that must be the teachers’ fault.”

Our respect for each other is eroding as well. Why else would someone rev their motorbike or car louder than the Rolling Stones live down my street at 3am? When someone is speaking in public, why do people carry on their very loud conversations? Why do birds suddenly appear, every time you are near?

Whoops! That’s a Carpenters song. Back to Aretha. What about bank managers? Once a pillar of society, now almost frowned upon as working for the devil. The medical profession still commands respect for most, although I think they’re sitting on a precipice at the moment and could go the way of the others any moment.

Why has this seismic shift happened? I’d love to hear your thoughts. What do you say when your child declares “I want to be a policeman” (as mine has) or “I think I want to be a teacher”?

It almost must be calming for parking inspectors to know their profession has maintained a consistent place in our society.

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