Wyndham Sings! Jonathon Welch in tune with teamwork

Jonathon Welch believes singing is a great leveller.

The renowned opera singer, teacher and the man behind the Choir of Hard Knocks believes everybody has a voice – they just need the confidence to let it shine.

“Music is a beautiful thing. It’s the universal language and it brings people together,” he told Star Weekly.

“I’ve worked with people of all ages, nationalities and backgrounds in choirs and you can have mothers standing next to CEOs, standing next to accountants, lawyers and teachers.

“When you’re involved in music and especially in choirs, it creates a unique sense of family.”

Later this month, Dr Welch will lead Wyndham Sings!, a weekend of music at the Wyndham Cultural Centre.

The event will feature a community singing workshop for people of all ages and singing abilities, and provide the chance to take to the stage with Dr Welch to perform a concert the following day.

“I’m very much looking forward to working with Wyndham’s singers,” he said.

“The workshop will be all about helping people relax and feel confident with their voice and understanding how it works as an instrument, so they can enjoy their singing more.

“It will be very ‘singable’ music because we want people to enjoy themselves.”

The Choir of Hard Knocks, which included homeless and disadvantaged people from around Melbourne, first came to prominence in an ABC documentary in 2007.

Dr Welch says music is not only powerful, it takes people to places they never imagined they could go.

“When you’re singing, it’s a moment in your life when you can forget what happened yesterday and just get lost in the music,” he said.

“You can see their humanity, their joy and spirit and really engage with them.
With choirs, you also have the support of 20 or 30 other people, so it’s an extraordinary experience.”

Wyndham Sings!

The event will be held on February 28 and March 1 at the Wyndham Cultural Centre, 177 Watton Street, Werribee.

The workshops will run from 10am-4pm Saturday and 10am-2pm Sunday, with the concert at 3pm on Sunday.

Cost is $40. Details: www.wyncc.com.au.