The Hillier View: It’s just over the top

Those of us old enough to remember football being played at VFL Park Waverley still joke about parking attendants who used to don the vest and make out like you were parking in their lounge room. My point is there are ways of getting the job done without being obsessed and disregarding the person you are dealing with.

I  witnessed something unsavoury at a major retailer last week that sparked this piece. A man holding a baby and a woman pushing a pram were leaving the store and were asked to open bags, as is the norm.

The problem here was the manner in which the security person went about what is normal procedure. I have to say she was aggressive, curt and over zealous in checking out every nook and cranny of the pram.

Take what happened to my wife at another major retailer. She had her shopping bag, from another iconic brand, loused over by the security person.

While it was never said, it certainly was intimated that she had an unpaid item in that bag which she had shoplifted from the store. The inquisition continued when the receipt from the brand bag was poured over item by item, and in a very aggressive manner.

Since when is this the norm ? I would love to hear your experiences in this area. While I agree with being vigilant and efficient in your job, this seems a bit over the top.

Left-handed screwdrivers next

So the new Cherry Street land purchase by the council is going to be a single storey car park to alleviate the CBD parking problems. That is just genius. I hope they are planning a second storey to manufacture left-handed screw drivers and ashtrays for motorbikes, because this would be about as useful to the business community.

Realistic, not cynical on Weerama

I  am happy to acknowledge your comments re the Weerama Festival but I do not think I am being cynical, as some have suggested. Realistic is a word I would have used instead. As always, your thoughts are welcome, even if a former mayor suggested otherwise on social media.

■ If you have any news or events, let me know at kevin@howdypartnersmedia.