Public to have its say on sports ground allocations

Wyndham council wants public feedback on its proposed ‘sports facility user guide’.

The council manages and maintains 28 sports grounds, which are shared by more than 80 sports and leisure clubs.

With so many clubs wanting to access these grounds and facilities, the council is seeking advice on fairer and more equitable access for all community groups.

Wyndham mayor and sport, leisure and open space portfolio holder Peter Maynard said the guide was aimed at opening up access to public sports facilities for more sport, leisure and community activities at different times of the week.

“Local sports and leisure clubs provide a great variety of recreation options for the Wyndham community,” Cr Maynard said.

“The sports facility user guide will help co-ordinate the use of various venues and provide one point of contact to access and use council sports facilities.

“Over the past eight months, council has undertaken a review of policies regarding the use of sports grounds and pavilions; we want to ensure that our facilities are as accessible as possible for all community activities, including club sport, recreation pursuits and special interest groups.”

Have your say

A draft sports facility user guide is out for public comments between until February 28.

Residents can leave comments online at the council’s website, or take part in a sports facility user guide workshop on February 4 at the Wyndham City Civic Centre from 6.15m.