Wyndham council logo use clarified, for the record

Wyndham council has developed a policy protecting the use of its logo, after its alleged misuse by a councillor in an advertisement promoting his business interests earlier this year.

A report to last week’s council meeting stated that use of the logo is covered in the city’s corporate identity policy and discussed in the Governing Wyndham framework, but a stand-alone policy was “warranted” to ensure there is “clarity” around its use.

The new policy states that councillors and staff cannot use the council’s logo without permission. It also states that councillors must not apply the council logo to letters, media releases, advertisements, emails, websites or social media without approval.

“Councillors must not misuse the council logo to gain or attempt to gain directly or indirectly an advantage for themselves or for any other person,” the new policy states.

“For example, the logo cannot be used for election purposes, to promote a councillor’s private business, to encourage investment in a councillor’s private business [or] to create a false, misleading or deceptive impression that a councillor’s private business is supported by council,” it says.

The policy warns that misuse of the logo by a councillor is likely to contravene the Local Government Act and the councillor code of conduct policy.

The policy’s release comes as Harrison ward councillor Intaj Khan awaits the outcome of a complaint to the Local Government Inspectorate by a Wyndham resident, alleging he misused his position as a councillor to promote his business interests in a council-branded advertisement.

The complaint pertains to an advertisement in the July edition of Alwasat, an Arabic newspaper with a base in the western suburbs.

The advertisement featured a photo of Cr Khan, a Ramadan message, Wyndham council’s logo and web address, and a listing of three schools either owned or managed by Cr Khan.

The advertisement appeared without the council’s knowledge or approval.

Cr Khan maintains he was not involved in the placement of the advertisement and has denied any wrongdoing.