Letters to the editor: October 23-29

A mayor with the right stuff

[Re: ‘Wyndham’s race for the robes’, Star Weekly, October 22] The mayor must be more than a figurehead. We need someone who is not afraid to fight for the Wyndham community loudly and passionately, to bang on doors, put our issues to politicians so they understand how serious we are.

Importantly, we need a mayor with no hidden personal agenda. Is that person among our councillors?

We need someone to not just “give it a go” but to dedicate themselves to ensuring Wyndham is heard – not neglected and continually overlooked.

CeeMee, via web

Crossing delays – but no trains

The proposed closure of the Aviation Road level crossing without making an alternate route for residents is short-sighted. How do we get to the other side of Laverton? Do we have to get on to the freeway and travel all the way to Kororoit Creek Road, then go back?

The problem is not the trains – it is that the boomgates stay down during gaps between trains. These gaps can be eight minutes – without seeing a single train.

If the boomgate was raised during this time, the congestion on Point Cook Road would not be as great.

Wendy, Seabrook

Council’s parking shame

I agree that the parking situation in Werribee’s main street and at the train station is a disgrace. I am so annoyed that the council can continuously fine people for parking longer than time limits.

At my work, we are constantly moving our cars every two hours. This is a waste of time and sometimes we forget because we’re busy working.

I understand some people could help by working or riding to work. But what about people who work in real estate and need their cars throughout the day?
Or people who don’t live locally? We have no option but to drive to work.

The council should be ashamed of themselves to keep fining people who have no other option available for parking.

Chloe Williams, Werribee

School pressure for all Wyndham

Point Cook is not alone in facing school enrolment pressure [Re: ‘School planning short-sighted’, Star Weekly, October 22].

Almost all newly developed estates in the City of Wyndham are facing the issue. Williams Landing residents are urgently asking the government to set up school(s).

Schools in Williams Landing will benefit surrounding suburbs if the school(s) is/are zoned smartly. If you wish to have school(s) in Williams Landing, please sign at www.wl3027.com/school.

MyWyn.org, via web

This is not short-sighted planning but lack of it. Quality of services and basic infrastructure such as schools are being sacrificed for the lucrative cashflows of housing growth.

We may as well concede that Melbourne is becoming one huge and spreading concrete monolith of wall-to- wall houses with little room for such inconveniences as schools, hospitals, public transport and open spaces.

The real estate Ponzi housing pyramid is swallowing everything in its wake and will leave future generations living in high-density deprivation due to greed and over-population.

Vivkay, via web