Letters to the editor: October 16-22

River crossing ‘big picture’ call

[Re: End rail crossing crush, Star Weekly, October 15] This is critical for the burgeoning population of Wyndham, given the ongoing over-development of the area. Wyndham is effectively dissected by the railway crossings causing regular gridlock and major delays, along with the danger posed to students at surrounding schools, commuters arriving or leaving the station and the delays for emergency services.

The necessity for a second river crossing needs to be part of the big picture, along with the removal of the railway crossings.

CeeMee, via web

There would not be any accidents if people obeyed the crossing bells and closed gates. The lights at the Hoppers Crossing level crossing seem to have sorted out the ‘cowboy’ drivers crashing into trains, as people seem to obey traffic lights yet not the bells. People also have the option to go via the underpass and miss the level crossings.

Linjellet, via web

An exhausting parking situation

[Re: ‘Parking a pain in the pocket, Star Weekly, October 8] I’m not surprised council is issuing fines. I am surprised that they continue to do nothing about the problem. As a shift worker, it’s horrendous trying to get a park anywhere near a station, let alone at the station!

Why doesn’t the bus timetable run to the train timetable?

It makes me angry that the 9-to-5ers use the carpark all day when they could walk or catch a bus. It’s people like myself that suffer, having to walk half an hour some days from my roadside car park to a station, working 10 to 12-hour days, getting home about 1am, and then having to walk back to my car!

I’ve even bought a parkiteer pass, but that’s full as well (they should not have sold me a pass!) – so that isn’t an option, either. I’ve contacted the council repeatedly on the issue of the carpark that’s empty all day and all night, next to the Target complex, with a view to making that station parking – but they will not respond. I’m guessing Wyndham chief executive Kerry Thompson has her own designated car park by her office door and is not trying too hard for a solution.

Name witheld

Puppy farms ‘cruel’

[Re: ‘Little River puppy farm owner to be prosecuted after raid’, Online, October 14] This is a disgrace! The business should be shut forever. The mass production of puppies in an already saturated market must end. These puppy farms are adding to death row numbers. Dogs are abandoned each year and left homeless. How cruel are these people to our “best friends” to treat them like puppy machines?

Puppies are being churned out as shelf items for pet shops. The public should avoid buying them there.

Vivkay, via web