Baseball Victoria: Werribee Giants deliver an inspired hustle

It was just like playing catch in the park for Werribee Giants pitcher Tayler Rowe and his man behind the plate, Oliver Box.

The pair were so locked in and on the same wavelength that Port Melbourne’s batters were nearly invisible in the last eight innings of the Giants’ 8-1 win on Sunday in Baseball Victoria summer league division 2 at Presidents Park.

At one stage, Rowe and Box combined to sit down 19 batters in a row, with only a broken-bat single late in the piece ending the streak.

Giants coach Justin Charles observes that pitcher and catcher make a great combination.

“They grew up together, they have a really good chemistry and now they’ve grown into big strong kids,” he said.

“The pitcher is only as good as his catcher … Oliver set the hitters up and Tayler had the trust. They dropped into the zone, were so in the moment, totally absorbed in their work … that’s how we were able to dictate terms.

“To shut out a team for eight innings is a phenomenal effort.”

When Charles agreed to coach the Giants, he put Rowe’s name at the top of his wishlist of potential recruits.

Rowe had a stop-start season for Sunshine last summer due to work commitments but was at his best for Bacchus Marsh in the Geelong winter league.

It made sense for Charles to target a homegrown player before looking elsewhere, particularly with the import he had sounded out falling through.

“[Rowe] was someone we pursued pretty vigorously in the preseason because he was a former Werribee boy and he’s also very talented,” Charles said.

The Giants have made it two consecutive wins to be 2-1 for the season. The opening three weeks have been an emotional rollercoaster for players and supporters after outfielder Michael Riches died in a car accident.

The remainder of the season has been dedicated to the memory of Riches, who would have been a key player for the Giants.

“I’ve been around the game for 30 years and it was arguably the toughest game I’ve ever had to prepare for and have the guys prepare for,” Charles said of the season opener three weeks ago.

“The boys have such heart and courage and camaraderie, and to lose the unofficial captain of your team in those circumstances is just such a challenge.

“The boys are bouncing back really strong and now they’re doing it in tribute to Michael.

“It’s like he’s sitting on everyone’s shoulders for the rest of the season.”

The in-form Giants will face Fitzroy Lions (1-2) on the road at Merri Park, Northcote, on Sunday.

Charles is hoping his players can continue the “really good energy” and “hustle” they have been displaying.

Meanwhile, Charles will be an assistant coach to Ron Carruthers for a division 2 all-star team that will face ABL club Melbourne Aces in an exhibition game on October 31.

Giants players Rowe, Box, Wade Balzer and Wes De Jong have been named in the preliminary squad.

“We’ve got some pretty handy players in division 2 knocking on the door of elite-level baseball,” Charles said.