Sheriff’s Office on the march over unpaid fines in Wyndham

More than 22,000 Wyndham residents are serial fine evaders, amassing 147,176 outstanding warrants last financial year.

Latest figures reveal the Sheriff’s Office has issued warrants for unpaid fines against 22,529 Wyndham residents, totalling $54.2 million.

Casey has the highest number of outstanding fines in the state with 301,282, totalling $102.6 million, issued in 2013-14.

Sheriff Brendan Facey said the warrants were issued against serial fine evaders, who had racked up tolling, speeding and parking infringements at cost to the public.

The Sheriff’s Office is charged with collecting outstanding debts. Officers use number plate recognition technology to help identify offenders.

Mr Facey warned that people with outstanding fines would be caught and could face serious sanctions, including having their cars clamped, assets seized or their driver’s licence suspended.

“You can’t hide from your unpaid fines,” Mr Facey said. “It’s frustrating that people are not getting the message that paying fines is not optional.

“Too many people are letting their fines get out of control.”

“We’re working around the clock, right across the state to track people down,” Mr Facey said. “You could be tapped on the shoulder at a shopping centre, at your work, home or on the road.”

Mr Facey said options were available to people struggling to pay fines, including payment extensions, which could help them avoid action from the Sheriff’s Office.

To track unpaid fines, or make a payment, visit