Around the Bay: Werribee hearts in the ride place

When Werribee’s Craig Head finally completed the Around the Bay bike ride after three attempts, it was an unforgettable experience.

After conquering the gruelling Kokoda Track the year before, some might have thought pedalling around Port Phillip Bay would be a walk in the park.

But travelling more than 200 kilometres in a day proved a unique challenge.

“My first [Bay] attempt was in 2009 when I made it halfway,” he says. “In 2010, I made it three-quarters of the way around and I’ve successfully completed it in 2011, 2012 and 2013, thanks to a much-needed training program.”

Mr Head and seven colleagues from construction company Form 700 will take part in this year’s ride on October 19, helping raise funds for The Smith Family. The team is on top of the fund-raising table with almost $25,000, but is aiming for $50,000.

More than 15,000 cyclists are expected to enter Australia’s most popular one-day bike ride, with riders able to choose from distances ranging from 20 to 250 kilometres.

“I’m a recreational rider and usually go on weekend rides of up to about 75 kilometres along the Federation Trail with my partner Lili,” Mr Head says.

“But for a major event like Around the Bay, you need to increase the intensity, which means midweek rides and riding to work.

“[The ride] is a great way to combine making a difference to the lives of those in need with the confidence gained through achieving personal goals.”

For more details on this year’s ride, visit