Wyndham’s citizen of the year: Margaret Campbell

Werribee’s Margaret Campbell is the Wyndham citizen of the year.

A Werribee resident who has been helping others for almost 50 years has won Wyndham’s citizen of the year award.

Margaret Campbell was announced as the 2014 citizen of the year during a community volunteer awards dinner last Friday.

She was one of seven residents in the running for the award after being named the city’s culture, arts and tourism volunteer of the year earlier this month.

Also competing for the title were community engagement award winner Rosie Dunne, community health and well-being volunteers of the year Anne-Marie Dey and Helen Gunn, environment and sustainability award winner Frances Overmars, sport and recreation winner Aimee Lane, and young volunteer of the year Britney Penpraze.

Ms Campbell was recognised for her dedication to helping a variety of groups.

Mayor Bob Fairclough said she was an active member of 15 community organisations, including board membership of the Wyndham Community and Education Centre for 15 years.

“Her interests are wide and varied and she’s regarded as a friend and mentor to many, including young people,” Cr Fairclough said.